Social Contribution

Social Action of PT Krakatau Posco Energy in Tegalratu Village Cilegon March 2018
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Cilegon, March 23, 2018 - As a manifestation of the environmental concerns surrounding the factory area, PT Krakatau Posco Energy organizes Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities, namely the Renovation of School Building, Worship and Orphans House and Environmental Cleaning in Tegalratu Village.

The event was supported by the active participation of Commissioners, Directors and all employees of PT Krakatau Posco Energy and also invited the employees of PT Krakatau Daya Listrik (PT KDL) totaling 113 people. The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activity between the two companies is conducted for the second time, where the theme is Togetherness for Better Life (Building Renovation, Education, Donation, Environmental Cleaning).

The peak event of this social action event was held on March 23, 2018 located in the area of ​​Madrasah Al Khairiyah Diniyah Awaliyah Village Tegalratu Ciwandan Cilegon. Form of activities to be implemented is to provide assistance renovation of school buildings, mushola building assistance and home renovation orphans. There is also an activity to clean up the environment of community houses in Tegalratu urban village.

Renovation of school buildings Madrasah Al Khairiyah Diniyah Awaliyah and some facilities in it aims to support the efforts of the city government Cilegon in order to improve the quality of education that leads to the quality of human resources in this steel city. The provision of home orphanage renovation assistance aims to provide adequate housing facilities for orphans and also the provision of building materials for the construction of mushola is intended to support the activities of worship in the neighborhood of Tegalratu.

Symbolically the provision of assistance was inaugurated by Mr. Shin Eunju as President Director of PT Krakatau Posco Energy along with Mr. Alugoro Mulyowahyudi as President Director of PT Krakatau Daya Electric to representatives of Tegalratu Village represented by Mr. Rusdi Ihsan as Lurah Tegalratu and witnessed by community leaders Tegalratu namely Drs. H. Awani Nawawi. "PT KPE will conduct continuous social action activities to the community around PT KPE as every business and operational company must be balanced with its obligations to the surrounding environment." Shin Eunju.

Mr. Shin Eunju as the President Director of PT KPE expressed his gratitude because the social activities in the neighborhood of Tegalratu can be coordinated well in cooperation with PT KDL. "Communication between companies and communities around the corporate environment is needed to establish synergies in building a conducive environment. . Employee participation also needs to be improved especially regarding communication between employees during the implementation of social activities such as that done in Tegalratu Village. " Shin Eunju.

Attending the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activity on March 23, 2018 and also giving a speech that is Lurah Tegalratu and perwakilah community leaders Tegalratu Village, also attended this event include Chairman Karang Taruna Kelurahan Tegalratu, Principal Madrasah Al Khairiyah Diniyah Awaliyah as well as Chairman of RW 01 Kelurahan Tegalratu and elements of environmental management other Tegalratu urban village.

The program that has been running twice this is a manifestation of the determination of PT Krakatau Posco Energy and PT Krakatau Daya Electric to participate and educate the public as well as a form of synergy between companies and local governments in realizing environmental conditions around the business area orderly and orderly. The existence of social action activities is expected to be a good enough impact for both parties, both from the company side and local government, as well as to the community of Tegalratu urban village in order to create balanced environmental conditions.
